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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Wyoming book review

I have slightly different hours than my friends do: I am up at 5:30a every day to be at work by 6:30a. With traffic I often don't get home until 5:30p-6p at night. Granted I do get some half days off and even some full days off during the week, so I can't say that I literally work these hours every day M-F. But in general it's safe to say I'm an early riser.

My friends are NOT. Eforce works 2nd shift throughout the school year, suffering with day hours only June-August. RR is naturally a night hour and when given the choice, would rather start mid-late morning.

So whenever we travel, I am always careful to bring along a book so I'm not bored as I wait for everyone to get moving. No, they're not lazy... we do a TON, but it typically happens in the afternoon and evenings.

Here's what I brought and read in Wyoming this year. My reviews are short:

"Let's Not Go to the Dogs Tonight": I was not super impressed by this one. I read a few books involving African history during our trips last year, and they were much better. I think my problem was this was more of a story and I wanted more of a history lesson.

"To The Top": Very interesting book about two guys who climbed to the highest point in each state. Gave me a new goal to add to my to-do list.

Cider House Rules:
I really like John Irving and he again didn't disappoint me.

Into Thin Air:
Loved it. It's a pretty easy read and a good story. The first book in a long time that kept me up into the wee hours of the night reading, not wanting to stop. I went to the library last week and picked up about 6 more books about Mt. Everest.

Them: I am not impressed. I'm about 130 pages into it mainly because it was the last book I had and the trip wasn't yet over. I renewed it from the library, but I don't think I'm going to finish it.



Have you read "A Prayer For Owen Meaney"?
Another great John Irving book.

Diane said...

"A Prayer for Owen Meany" is my favorite book of all-time of any author! I get goose bumps just thinking about it; hundreds of pages of narrative all culminating in the last few pages.


It's on the top of my list as well! I love when Owen speaks it's in all capital letters. Best book I ever read.
Last year while in Leadville I read A Thousand Splendid Suns and The Kite Runner. Also good reads. Challenging but good.
The third one I read was The Road. Very interesting style of writing but also a little graphic at times.

Diane said...

I had "Kite Runner" on audio book and I listened to it while running in March. Read "Thousand Splendid Suns" afterwards. I agree with your review of them. I bought "The Road", started it, and never could get into it. Might have to try again sometime.