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Sunday, June 8, 2008

Last week (and the MS150 "recap")

This is the laundry room that was too small for my washer and dryer which were to be installed on Friday afternoon, forcing me to have the delivery men leave with the appliances, necessitating an emergency trip to Home Depot (after having already been there TWICE that day) who had no washer and dryer small enough, leaving me no choice but to run to Menards and purchase some higher end front-loading models, meaning the Enforcer now has nicer appliances than I do. All of this ultimately resulted in me missing the MS150, as getting this property ready was number one priority.

I did raise over $300 for the MS Society. They will get their support money; they just didn't need to support ME over the weekend.

Truth be told I woke up Friday morning considering not going; the appliance situation just cemented everything.

Last weekend I decided I was going to run 10 miles every day until we leave for Wyoming; that lasted 3 days.

I worked at my job every day last week M-Th, leaving my house at about 6am. I went straight from work to Anoka to clean and work on the house every evening, staying until 11:30p-midnight every night but Monday (when I left at 9:30p and got home to watch hockey while running). By Friday morning I was beat. I wanted to do the MS150, but also knew I had a lot that still needed to get done both in Anoka, at my house, and in my life in general.

On Friday I spent 10.5 hours at Anoka or running to home improvement stores. I spent two hours installing blinds, cleaned and cleaned some more. I also spent 5 hours over there on Saturday. Obviously if I had been biking all that work would have been done this coming week, meaning another LONG week for me that I'd like to try to avoid.

I did run 10 miles today (9min/miles). I also mowed my lawn and spent about 5-6 hours cleaning MY house from top to bottom.

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