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Monday, September 15, 2008

Qualifying for Boston

I qualified for the Boston marathon at Fargo in 2006. Here are some pics, and yes, I ran the race in a supergirl costume, and no, it was not Halloween.

The Fargo-ians really got a kick out of the costume. I was interviewed for the paper (as I stood outside the Fargodome after the race, waiting for a locksmith to come and unlock my keys from the car). I also had a reporter and her video guy running along side of me with a microphone interviewing me at mile 11. I believe she told me I was half-way there...

This was the first marathon I really trained for with a specific goal in mind and without getting injured. My first marathon was, well, my first. I was injured and had to take 6-8 of the 10 weeks before my 2nd and 3rd marathons off of running. So Fargo, my 4th, was my first real serious attempt to qualify. I needed a 3:40 to qualify (being a 27 year old F at the time), and my race bib was 340. I finished in 3:38 and some change.

I slept in my car in the parking lot of the Fargodome the night before (not going to pay for a hotel) and I ran the race in Pearl Izumi shoes that I bought at the expo the day before (yes, brand spankin' new shoes).

I left my keys in my car unlocked, and this was the day that I learned that my car had a "safety" feature of automatically locking if the keys were out of the ignition and the doors locked. So after the run, instead of celebrating, I stood around sweaty and salty for an hour waiting for a locksmith to show up. This was after having to beg a passerby to use their cell phone.

And I was STILL dressed in the supergirl costume.

If I were to seriously train for another marathon I'd like to break 3:30, and I think I have the ability to do that (assuming that I train for it). If and when I do Whistlestop in, oh, just under 4 weeks, I'll be happy to break 4h. Realistically I'll probably be 4:10.


SteveQ said...

Okay, NOW I have a new screen saver!

You certainly have the talent to run 3:30 (heck, with a little push 3:10's reasonable next year). A friend's pushing me to do Whistlestop and I could probably do 3:20-3:30 right now, but others want me to do a race in Arkansas and the Glacial 50K. I'm thinking more of the In Yan Teope 10 Mile and Big Woods 1/2 Marathon - if I do anything.

Diane said...

I've thought that if I were to seriously train I would aim for 3:15, which I think is possible if I really work for it. I cut 35 minutes off my previous best time when I qualified, so aiming for "only" 8 minutes seems too easy of a goal; i was on pace for a 3:30 finish until about mile 19-20.

LDP said...

Cool thoughts... I grew up in Fargo and i am glad you do not think it is just like the movie! Boston was a dream I had for years, back when I ran my 3:08, qualifying was 3 hours. the next year it went to 3:10 but I never recovered... No longer have the dream. Could be I needed a superman suit for that year I ran 3:08... If I only knew...

Anonymous said...

Dr. D. good luck with the Whistle stop marathon. My understanding it is a flat course on the old rail bed. Maybe you need to pull out the supergirl outfit for inspiration to PR? Thanks for the book review. On a side note, at Superior, it was suggested next time Steveq races, he should be placed in bubblewrap before the start.........stew

Diane said...

Londell, wow, so close to qualifying! But there are other things besides Boston to work towards, so keep working towards the new goals.

Stew, even with the supergirl cape, it's doubtful I'd come close to a PR at Whistlestop. 4h would be my goals and I think that's possible. Without really training I did 3:54+ at Boston.