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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Admiral Barky

My last trip to the library I brought a list of books that were on my "to-read" list; unfortunately the library only had one of about 10 of them, so I wandered up and down the aisles and picked out about 5 random books.

"Shadow Divers" was one of my random finds. The dust cover started out by saying: "In the tradition of Jon Krakauer's Into Thin Air..." and I was hooked. I loved "Into Thin Air".

"Shadow Divers" was a very interesting book that did keep me interested the whole time. I know NOTHING about deep sea diving, or wreak diving, or any sort of diving. I have no interest in EVER diving. None. Zero. The thought of doing it scares me (whereas the idea of climbing Mt. Everest enthralls me). Both are actually quite dangerous, but diving is a sport I don't ever want to do.

That being said, this was a really good book. I learned a lot about diving. I learned a lot about U-boats (well, not a lot. Nothing specific. In fact, it'd be more accurate to say I learned a lot about all there would be to learn about U boats). I really like submarine movies, especially depth charges. And the "ah-OOG-a, ah-OOG-a" siren that goes off right before the captain yells, "Dive! Dive! Dive!" And how about that American Express card commercial that takes place on the sub, highlighting how you can have any picture you want on your card, even "Admiral Barky" the dog of the sub captain. That's great.

Really good book I'd definitely recommend. I want to watch the Nova special about this true story (did I mention it's a true story?).


SteveQ said...

Ever see "Das Boot?" I think it'd change your mind about submarines and depth charges!

I once held my breath underwater for 5 minutes and considered free diving as a sport. Given my high rate of accidents, it's probably best I didn't.

Diane said...

I saw "Das Boot" years ago--don't remember the details. I do know that I'm a touch claustrophobic and would never want to be in a sub (especially underwater). Also don't want to go cave spleunking.

Diane said...

And yes, Steve, I agree, no free diving for you!

Anonymous said...

1/2 way thru Stumbling on Happiness. Quite an interesting read. Amazing how our mind is constantly at work/play and we don't even know it is happening
and the fact we processing information so differently......
Don't forget about the TV classic-Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea......stew

Diane said...

Stew, I agree that "St. Into Hp." was a very interesting read. I don't think I've seen "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea"... I'll have to put it on my list.

SteveQ said...

Don't give up on spelunking! It's good dirty fun, though I always think of a cave as a maze to go through and consequently get lost as mazes aren't 3-dimensional.

Diane said...

I get the idea that wreak diving can be a 3-D maze underwater with the added thrill of a time limit (gotta get out before the air runs out) and possibly in the dark (if you rustle up too much silt and dust with your movement). Ick.