Diane - I did this last Fall, and now you've prompted me to do it again... maybe tonight. There was more activity than I expected. It did seem like I was tossing and turning quite a bit. Here's a graph of the data:
Very interesting results. What heart rate monitor do you have that you can graph it like that?! Way cool!
I am sleep-deprived over the last three nights, which I'm hypothesizing might be why my heart rate is higher than I would have expected for sleeping. Heck! Watching t.v. on the couch I usually end up in the high 30's/low 40's. Why sleeping my average would be 61 I don't know.
Diane - I have a garmin forerunner 305, so I just turn the gps part off and use that to collect the heart rate data. I did it again last night and the data looks pretty similar to last Fall.
Diane - I did this last Fall, and now you've prompted me to do it again... maybe tonight. There was more activity than I expected. It did seem like I was tossing and turning quite a bit. Here's a graph of the data:
That must've been quite the dream! My monitor gives minimums, but it's not very useful. My heart rate at Leadville altitude was 110 on awakening.
Very interesting results. What heart rate monitor do you have that you can graph it like that?! Way cool!
I am sleep-deprived over the last three nights, which I'm hypothesizing might be why my heart rate is higher than I would have expected for sleeping. Heck! Watching t.v. on the couch I usually end up in the high 30's/low 40's. Why sleeping my average would be 61 I don't know.
Diane - I have a garmin forerunner 305, so I just turn the gps part off and use that to collect the heart rate data. I did it again last night and the data looks pretty similar to last Fall.
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